The ultimate

Website Messaging Review & Action Plan

Expert advice to unlock sales


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Eight seconds is all you've got 



The big website secret revealed 

This tiny amount of time is key to a high converting website. 

From B Grade To Oscar Worthy

Craft powerful website messaging and watch your sales skyrocket.


Your website should be one of your most effective, and low effort, sales tools. An engaging online billboard screaming about how amazing you are and the fantastic results you deliver for your clients! It should be generating new leads while you sleep, enjoy a wine or go for a run.

But let me guess. You’re here right now because it’s not. In fact, your website feels more B Grade movie than Oscar worthy. You know it’s not great, but you don’t know exactly what’s wrong or how to fix it. If you are nodding madly, this Website Messaging Review & Action Plan is for you. It’s all about giving you a road map to reach website Nirvana. 

The process is simple. Just answer 5 quick questions about your brand – like target audience, the message you're trying to communicate, what you want to be known for – and I do the rest.

In as little as 7 days you walk away with:

  • A detailed report that gives you clarity and action points
  • Insight into where your current messaging is on point 
  • What needs work – where your copy is letting you down
  • How to fix it – yes, I give you the solution!
  • The confidence to improve your website messaging yourself
OMG give it to me! >

How it works

You're only three steps away from awesome website messaging


Deep dive into your website

What impression is your website making on potential clients and is your messaging actually saying what you think it is (the answer is usually no!). 


Analysis of your brand messaging

How effective are the words, images and messaging across your site at communicating what you do, how you do it and the value you deliver?


Your detailed feedback report

Here we get into the specifics of what your site does well, key areas to improve and how to make the changes that will attract new clients.

How to know if you need the Website Messaging Review & Action Plan


Cringing when people ask for your web address

Your website is your digital front door. The equivalent of a shop front in the physical world. So, what condition is your door in? If the answer is closer to a neglected old door with paint peeling off and broken hinges – verses those lust worthy Moroccan doors you see on Instagram – you’ve got a problem. And you need to fix it, because it’s costing you sales.


You apologise before giving the address to anyone 

Trust your gut. It’s rarely wrong. If you squirm when someone asks for your website, you know it’s not great and they will know pretty soon too! As Nelson Mandela said, “knowledge is power”. It’s time to turn your website into a great brand ambassador, rather than something that creates a negative impression with potential clients.


Never promoting it or directing potential clients to your website 

This means your website is adding little value to your business. Crazy… when it should be the sales tool that works for you while you sleep! Hiring a good copywriter is expensive. Also, nobody knows your business better than you do. This report gives you a roadmap to elevate your messaging yourself, and get your website making the right impression.

Website Messaging Review & Action Plan

$397 USD

Package includes


  • Review of your website using my signature three step framework for crafting killer messaging that captivates and converts
  • Analysis of your current copy and how closely it aligns with what you want to be communicating
  • A detailed report focused on where your messaging is on point, the areas that need work and exactly how to fix them so you can attract more leads and skyrocket your sales (yes, I provide all the messaging solutions!)
  • Concrete, step by step action points you can implement straight away
Yes, I'm in >


What my clients say

Here's some feedback from their experience with me

Jana Barrett - Fitness & Movement Coach

"I spent so much effort and time sending people to my website which was not converting them into clients. My website was a mess. I would hook people in with my intro but then quickly loose them in a sea of buttons and program offerings. But then I found Patrice who in a 45-minute feedback gave me such amazing tips and strategies to change my website into a selling machine. Her suggestions were so obvious once she pointed them out to me. It is incredible how the simplest tweaks can turn your underperforming website to a luxury store where you make effortless sales. Thank you Patrice, your expertise, knowledge and skills are incredible!"

Carrie Baquie - Wellbeing Empowerment Coach

"Wow! I am in awe of Patrice's heart-centered, detail-oriented review of my website copy. Her process feels like magic, but it's the real deal! She empowers you with incredible insights about how to not just capture the visitor's eye but also convert them into paying clients. And we all want more of that! Thank you Patrice for the thoughtful way you made potentially complex ideas easy to understand and implement!"

Andrea Horvath - Career Transition Coach

"I had the opportunity to join a training that Patrice was hosting in a group that I am a member of. The 90 minutes we had together were jam packed with so much valuable and empowering information. The confusion that I had around a number of elements of my website is now gone. She so clearly explained what to do to really bring a website to life, and importantly, why to do it. Just after that 90 minutes together, I have a list of changes that I know I can make to my website to absolutely generate more sales. She shares the information in a way that is also very inspiring. She really knows her stuff!"

Hi there, I'm Patrice Gibbons

Otherwise known as an alchemist with words. 

Simply put, I turn lacklustre messaging into golden words that entice your ideal clients to pay you the big bucks. As a Messaging Coach I like to think of myself like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex In The City… except I prefer Lychee Martinis and the ‘sex’ is the magnetic appeal of your brand once you master your copy.

With too many decades experience in journalism and brand messaging to count, I am obsessed with things to do with words. My clients tell me my superpower is being able to find the gold nuggets in your story and crafting copy into delicious sentences that move leads into customers. My street cred is I’ve worked with industry leaders worldwide to curate brand messaging that cuts through to the hearts of their ideal clients, to help businesses thrive. 


Website Messaging Review & Action Plan

$397 USD

Package includes

  • Review of your website 
  • Analysis of existing messaging and how closely it aligns with what you want to be communicating
  • A detailed report focused on where your messaging is on point, the areas that need work and how to fix them (yes, I provide the solution!)
  • Action points you can implement straight away
Yes, let's do this >