Power Words: The Messaging Version Of Beyoncé, Adele & Taylor

Jul 10, 2023
Power words

There are over a million words in the English language. But not all words are created equal. Some are simply more special than others. A bit like Beyoncé, Adele and Tay Tay – they outperform those around them. In the content marketing game, we call these power words. They are the gems that when used in the right place, at the right time, deliver big results. Think more sales, conversions, building connection, trust and brand credibility.

Power words are essentially words or phrases that evoke an emotional response in the reader or listener. The reason they are so effective is they tap into the subconscious mind, and by triggering that emotional response they can influence a person’s decision-making process.

Now stop and think about that last sentence with respect to your business…

Imagine writing copy knowing there is a high probability it will connect. Plus, no more time wasted creating hours of content that doesn’t deliver the results you’re looking for. Be it growing your list, securing that podcast interview, raising the profile of your personal brand or attracting new clients. Hands up if you’re in for some of this reality!

So what are the most powerful words you can start using in your messaging today? Here are 10 of my favourites, with a quick snapshot of why each one works:

  1. Free: This is the most classic power word. It creates a sense of excitement and urgency in the reader/listener, by triggering that feeling that you’re getting something valuable without having to pay for it (which we all love!). This is why the phrase ‘free trial’ is so effective in marketing. It gives you a feeling of security because you have the chance to try something without any commitment.
  2. You: My personal favourite. The word ‘you’ is a powerful pronoun that creates a direct connection with the reader/listener. It makes them feel like they're being personally addressed and creates a sense of empathy and understanding. One of my golden rules of copywriting for businesses is to have the words ‘you’ and ‘I’ in an 80/20 ratio (but more on that in a later blog).
  3. New: This one is great for creating a sense of excitement and anticipation. It suggests that something fresh and interesting is happening and triggers the desire for the reader/listener to be a part of that experience. It taps into the power of FOMO!
  4. Limited: Here we have a great action word. Using ‘limited’ in your messaging creates a sense of urgency in the reader/listener. It suggests that something is scarce and typically makes them feel like they need to act quickly before it's gone.
  5. Proven: It’s all about credibility. The word ‘proven’ creates a sense of trust and reliability in the reader/listener. It suggests that something has been tested and verified, which creates a sense of confidence in your product or service. We all like reassurance during a buying process, and ‘proven’ does a lot of the heavy lifting for you.
  6. Secret: We all love to be in on a secret… true? This word generates a sense of exclusivity and intrigue. It suggests the reader/listener is being let in on something others don't know about, helping them achieve a sense of importance and value. These are two powerful emotions we all enjoy. Now see the connection subconscious triggers have with buying decisions!
  7. Guaranteed: This taps back into the human desire for trust and confidence. The use of the word ‘guaranteed’ creates a sense of security and reassurance. It also suggests that the reader/listener can trust your product or service and that they won't be disappointed.
  8. Instant: In today’s social media led world where almost everything is at our fingertips, ‘instant’ has become an even more powerful word. Who has time to wait for anything… seriously. ‘Instant’ works because it creates a sense of immediacy and urgency. By conveying that the wins and benefits you’re offering can be obtained now, you create a desire in the reader/listener to act quickly.
  9. Discover: This emotive word creates a sense of adventure and excitement. It suggests that there's something new and intriguing to be found, which can create a desire to explore and learn. It’s a longer burn than ‘instant’ above, but works well for more in-depth and detailed messaging.
  10. Save: We’re ending on one of the most obvious power words. We all love to save time, money, effort, energy, the list goes on. ‘Save’ creates an immediate sense of value. It suggests that the reader/listener can get something for less than they would normally pay (or expend), which drives a desire to take advantage of the opportunity. Just think how you respond when you see the word ‘save’ linked to something you desire.

As Rudyard Kipling said: "Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."

They have an incredible ability to inspire, motivate, persuade and drive action. When peppered throughout your sales and marketing messaging, power words can be the things that skyrocket your sales and bring new leads directly to you.

Start using some of these power words today (ohhh, there is another one) and let me know if you notice the difference. I’d love to hear about any improvements you see, or any questions you’ve got about working them into your content.

Next up we’re talking about connector words – the 10 best words to use once you’ve mastered power words and you’re ready to create more flow and engagement in your messaging. Stay tuned for that!

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