Welcome To The House Of Patrice

Where the insider secrets to elevated messaging that attracts ideal clients are revealed so you can become your own expert.

As a Messaging Content and Copywriting Expert, I’m a rare unicorn. My background as a journalist, editorial director, copywriter and business owner brings a unique set of skills to the table that few other experts can claim.

Welcome To The House Of Patrice


Where the insider secrets to elevated messaging that attracts ideal clients are revealed so you can become your own expert.


As a Messaging Content and Copywriting Expert I’m a rare unicorn. My background as a journalist, editorial director, copywriter and business owner brings a unique set of skills to the table that few other experts can claim.

I know the impact great messaging can have. I've been helping leading companies craft their story and reach new clients for over 23 years 

My super power is finding the gold nugget in a brand's story.

Those things that set you apart. The connection point that draws the right clients to you. You're always too close to see it yourself. But I'm here to show you how to find it, and turn it into a powerful revenue generator for your business. 

But not everyone can afford a content expert to come in and create brilliant messaging that takes their business to the next level.

I'm not ok with that. I believe every entrepreneur and business owner should have access to the same expertise the big players utilise if they want it.

That's why I'm now giving you the tools to become your own expert.

That means teaching you how us experts create content with ease. And, giving you the knowledge and tools to do it yourself. 

It's also about helping you find the most comfortable and effective way to get your message out into the world.

Giving you the confidence and know-how to write engaging copy that converts. Showing you how to position your brand to attract more of your ideal clients and build your lead pool.



Everyone has the ability to create killer messaging for their business. The key is knowing the secrets to copy that converts

How to connect with your audience, and achieve incredible results through sales and marketing content. I've spent years helping big companies, organisations and small businesses tell their story. Now I'm showing you how to do it yourself. 

A Little About Me  

I'm a lover of all things word and content related


Hi. I’m Patrice Gibbons, otherwise known as an alchemist with words… Simply put, I turn lacklustre messaging into golden words that entice your ideal clients to pay you the big bucks. As a Messaging Coach I like to think of myself like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex In The City… except I prefer Lychee Martinis and the ‘sex’ is the magnetic appeal of your brand once you master your copy.

With too many decades experience in journalism and brand messaging to count, I am obsessed with words. My clients tell me my superpower is being able to find the gold nuggets in your story and crafting copy into delicious sentences that move leads into customers. My street cred is I’ve worked with industry leaders worldwide to curate brand messaging that cuts through to the hearts of their ideal clients. 

Work With Me >

Don't take my word for it

Testimonials are the best form of social proof, so here are a few of mine.

Catherine Sharp - Empowerment Coach

"Working with Patrice is fantastic. She is one of the best in her field I have come across. She is not only an amazing copywriter, but also highly strategic and really understands branding, marketing and business."

Jill May - General Manager, IQ Construct

"Patrice brings clarity to complex situations by synthesising information from a variety of sources and presenting it in a way that is easy to communicate and understand."

Carrie Baquie - Wellbeing Empowerment Coach

"Wow! I am in awe of Patrice's heart-centered, detail-oriented review of my website copy. Her process feels like magic, but it's the real deal! She empowers you with incredible insights about how to not just capture the visitor's eye but also convert them into paying clients."

Let's transform your business together in 3 steps

By giving you access to the tools, techniques, tips and tricks the experts use

Creating great messaging is an inside job. Once you know the rules, understand how to use them and when to break them, everything gets easier. I share the secrets with you that us experts use every day.  

Showing you how to create standout messaging yourself without needing to hire an expert

This is where science meets art. I show you how to find the gold in your brand story. The things that set you apart from your competitors and deliver incredible value to your clients. Then I teach you how to tell that story to attract new clients and skyrocket your business. 

Feel confident knowing you can communicate like an expert, while sounding like yourself   

I teach you how to convey what you're really good at – while also showcasing your personality – in a way that feels natural and authentic. The key to killer messaging that connects, captivates and converts. 

Private Coaching & Mentoring

You’ve got big goals and you're ready to elevate your messaging to attract new clients. Perfect for the entrepreneur or business owner looking for personalised advice and training right now. 

Join Me >

Courses & Programs

Get access to VIP Early Bird Rates for my new group program launching soon. Be first to know when 'From Clicks To Clients: Nail Your Website Messaging In Just 30 Days' opens.

Join The Waitlist >

Website Review & Action Plan

Put your website under the microscope to see if your messaging is on point, or needs some work. You walk away with a detailed report and list of actions that will improve your site immediately.

OMG yes! >

What does 'Messaging' mean? 


Don’t worry, you’re not the first person to ask that question! Messaging is a fancy way of saying... the words you use to communicate information about your business. Think copywriting on your website, social media posts, press releases and marketing collateral. Plus, the words you speak aloud in videos, reels, media interviews, on podcasts and everything in between.

Check out this blog on power words to use in your brand messaging that create connection and increase conversions.

Read More >

Download the Free Guide:

3 Big Messaging Mistakes Killing Your Website & How To Fix Them 

Follow these three simple rules to avoid the pitfalls almost every business owner falls into on their website.

A little more about me (the fun stuff) 



I have a (not so secret) desire to be a Formula 1 driver. The lady Lewis Hamilton.


Travelling makes my soul happy. So far I've been to 62 countries, and counting.  


Champagne or cocktails? Both, I don't discriminate! Lychee Martinis are my go to.


Business, politics, fashion or sport - it's a tie for my favourite topic of conversation.


I seriously considered archeology and marine biology, before journalism. Then realised I hate dirt and the smell of fish! 

It's time to wield your keyboard and microphone like a magic wand.

Are you ready to feel this confident? 


Imagine knowing every word you write is on point. Every piece of sales and marketing content is speaking directly to the clients you want to work with. Suddenly being your own copywriter and marketing expert becomes fun, not stressful. This is your reality when you've got an expert messaging coach by your side. Let's have some fun together!

Let's get social! Follow me on Instagram for daily messaging tips

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